Tuesday, August 28, 2012

{Beauty Tuesday} Get Ready With Your Pal, Me!

       One fine day I was browsing the diverse land of YouTube when I saw a video of a young woman detailing the process she endures every morning to put on her face. After this, I began to see clip after clip of girls doing their makeup. For a while I was extraordinarily confused. One girl may review the latest product, but another may just appreciate the way her face looks from a certain angle and therefore deemed it necessary to stick a camera there while she sat and got pretty. At last it dawned on me. Some of these girls are completely unrecognizable before they slather on the face that everybody else in the world is used to seeing.

       Now, I'm an occasionally lazy individual, and on many days (usually during the sweaty heat of summer) I am not even slightly interested in taking precious time to make myself look especially delicious. So there are plenty of people who have seen me without makeup on, and I am more than fine with that! However, I must admit that I actually enjoy wearing makeup, and I think the right amount with the right application can make any woman's appearance improve. That said, I decided maybe I oughta try making one of these videos myself? I couldn't help but giggle watching the resulting video without sound...I dance and sing and make faces to music (not to mention having several continuous conversations with myself) while I get ready, and that doesn't translate incredibly well when the viewer can't actually hear the music I'm listening to or the words I'm saying. So, just pretend that my mouth is actually following the words.

This is right out of the shower, before doing anything.

This is after making my face up.

And this is how it's done...

       Before you judge me, please remember that I am a human being, just like you! I'm not always this good looking. Wink wink. While I will never pretend that my acne is supposed to be appealing, I am grateful for my flaws and imperfections. We're blessed with weaknesses so that we may turn them into strengths, like an excessively social personality, an obsession with knitting, or big eyebrows. Sometimes it's a relief to remind myself that I don't have it all just yet. I always have room for improvement, and there is a whole lot of "up" for me to go. Some of these videos are more of a reality check than anything else. I have no doubt mine was.

Happy getting ready!


  1. Lexi,
    Will you please make me look as pretty?
    I want you to do my make-up for something, like pictures...or just for a random day.

    Love your best friend ever,ever,ever,ever,ever,

    Anna Russak
    The POLISH one. :)

    1. Anna,
      I would love to! In fact, may I use you as my model for next Beauty Tuesday? :)
