Monday, September 24, 2012

The Necessity of an Update

Now that I'm a working girl once again, I am appalled at my lack of availability for even the most basic of routine activities. I love doing laundry, and I haven't gotten around to mine in weeks! So indeed, I resort to making excuses as to why I haven't updated my most beloved blog in far too long. And in order to make things fair, you should know that I definitely do not have enough time every single afternoon to slap down an outstanding post. Therefore, mark Tuesdays and Thursdays as designated post days, with a few extracurricular events from time to time. I truly hope nobody's feelings are smashed in the door by this alteration.

A few pleasant insights to my life as of this day:

Work, while time-consuming, is stupendous. I count myself among the lucky numbered who actually find themselves happy and successful in their early working days. For those of you in my area, come to ULTA's Grand Opening on Friday! If for nothing more than to check us out, I promise to help you have a great experience. And I don't just say that because it's my job. I have so much fun, and you should too!

Speaking of work, the associate handbook recommends that ULTA associates maintain an appearance consistent with ULTA's current image. This, they suggest, includes wearing makeup carried at their store, always reapplying lipstick or lip gloss as needed, and changing hairstyle and color on a relatively frequent basis. Demanding? Yes. But I have it under control. Today the one woman to whom I entrust my short hair helped me out this afternoon. Constructive criticism is more than welcome.
Alarmingly Charming (finally) created a Facebook page! Also, we recorded a select few songs and made some quick videos the other day, which you would do well to watch on my YouTube account. Expect regular updates from me and my partner in crime. If you're too lazy to click on the link, here are our two most recent uploads:

As demonstrated, lots can happen over a short period of time! But in this instance, things are improving.
Happy upgrading!

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