Friday, August 24, 2012

{Fashion Friday} Let's Not Skirt The Issue, Eh?

       I like to wear dresses. Dresses are pretty, feminine, and the easiest way to throw on the bulk of an outfit all at once. Upon taking a recent closet inventory, I discovered that I have over 30 dresses (and counting!) that I wear on a regular basis. Sure, I'm capable of matching separates, but I am also capable of being incredibly lazy. We'll discuss frocks later on. Today I'd like to tell you about my love/hate relationship with the half of dresses: skirts.

       When I was 11, I owned a long, columnar denim skirt. It was mid-calf length, which I figured suited me because it showed off my innately pretty ankles but disguised my less-than-toned legs. Looking back on how generally bad that time of my life was and how, in reality, that skirt was incredibly unflattering, I've developed an extreme dislike for denim paraphernalia. For example...

       I feel like that should be self-explanatory. Other reasons why I'm afraid of skirts...

       On a significantly less dismal note, some great finds have ameliorated the situation and caused me to believe there may be hope for this article of clothing afterward. Here are a few pieces I'm in love with!

       Skirts don't have to be bad. Just be careful. Find ones in good quality material and pretty silhouettes. Calico prints are not typically as great in skirt form as they are on the bolt, but chiffon, lace, and sturdier brocade or silk fabrics are almost always spot-on. Also, you can't go wrong with a big bow. Skirts must not be settled upon. Search for a select few that you adore and pair them with lovely additions. May the force be with you.

Happy skirting!
       P.S. I figured out how to use the Spotify Play Button! YAY. So, here's a great song.

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