Saturday, August 4, 2012

{Random Fashion} Hot Days and Cool Kids

       I had a plan for Fashion Friday, I really did! I even took a photograph quickly before my family and I headed off for the land of Lagoon, because I knew I'd need it. And I planned on being home in time to write my post last night, but after our amusement park adventures we had to drop Billy off at his pal's house and Andrew off at Dad's, go back and pick up Mook and Teeya from the park, swing by and pack up all my things my aunt so graciously retrieved for me from California, visit our puppy Oscar (he comes home on the 16th!), go to Red Robin for dinner (Yummmmm! but ouch for tummy), drive home, drop off Teeya, and then arrive at our destination at nearly midnight. Then a bath was in order, and by the time I had finished writing in my journal it was around one and past my bedtime. So, that said, you can deal with it. I still apologize!

Maggy, Lexi, and Sarah
       Last Thursday, I visited the beach with my dearest cousins. Naturally, being the fairest one there, I entirely forgot sunscreen on my legs and arms and fell asleep in the sweltering sun. This action led to painful, blistery second-degree burns and, more recently, a peeling episode for the ages. Moisturize as I will, my skin is a darn mess that I refuse to show in public. Am I the only one who becomes hopelessly distracted by peeling skin? I simply cannot engage in coherent conversation with someone in such a condition. Therefore, I devised a simple plan for how to cover up and avoid heat stroke even when you're walking around a sweaty amusement park all afternoon.

Step One: Don't Be Stupid.
       You don't have to wear a sweater and snow pants to be covered. Yes, it works, but it doesn't work for a boiling summer day unless you live in Murmansk, Russia, where the record high is 91.2 degrees Fahrenheit but the average high in July is rarely above 60. Those of you near Murmansk, wear what you like and God bless you.
Step Two: Sometimes It's Okay to be Holier-Than-Thou.
       If you must wear long pants, go for loose destroyed jeans (bahaha. Get it?). They'll let you breathe a little bit and won't suction to your limbs if your temperature does start to rise. Otherwise, capris or longer shorts will do the trick. Please, girls, do not wear a miniskirt to a theme park. You're basically just asking for your next embarrassing moment.
Step Three: Lighten Up.
       While you may be tempted to wear a long-sleeve shirt, it really isn't recommended. Forearms are rarely noticed by passersby, unless they've got some creepy fetish for such things, in which case you would be lucky to have unattractive forearms. People will mostly see your face, shoulders, and upper arms at a moment's glance. In order to remedy insecurities about arms, wear a 3/4-sleeve or longer-short-sleeved shirt in a lightweight material. That's important! Even a tank top can be suffocating if it's in a silky, tightly-woven, or heavily knit fabric. Thin or sheer cotton is usually your best bet on top. And you don't need to layer like crazy, but try and be modest, for goodness' sake.
Step Four: Take a Chill Pill.
        I realized yesterday that people were not staring at my skin. They took a quick look at my face, possibly a second look at my dorky sunglasses, and then moved on. If you're a bona fide stunner who's catching eyes and whipping his or her hair back and forth, congratulations. But seriously, people don't actually care as much as you think they do. 

       Now, today is Saturday. Which means I get to show you something that's been itching at me to share with the world. I got to go grocery shopping with this guy the other night and it was a blast. Trust me, the videos are worth watching. P.S. The little old lady was cheering him on as he lifted that 700lb watermelon. And then we helped her reach her favorite pomegranate juice. Best part of the night. P.P.S. I learned that he's more Polish than Russian...but that's okay. We're still friends.

Happy chillin'!

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